Ms. Sara Baldwin has an undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering and holds two Master’s Degrees with a specialization in Applied Oceanography and Teaching & Learning. She has worked in different sectors including the renewable energy industry, building services, luxury business, and maritime, however, her vocation is sharing her knowledge and experience in class.
Ms. Baldwin has experience in lecturing at various levels and is committed to enhancing the quality standards of academic programs by sharing her knowledge and experience with the students and utilizing teaching & learning methods that assure students’ knowledge sharing, and participation in class, which allows for their eventual academic success. Ms. Baldwin’s satisfaction is instilling interest and stimulating thinking in her students by allowing students to bring forward their own experiences in class and share their own interests and knowledge.
Ms. Baldwin believes that just like food nourishes the body, knowledge and learning nourish the mind. She keeps herself continuously updated with the latest news, research, and development, mostly in the fields of science & technology, leadership, and management.