

Theory X and Theory Y of Management Styles

Theory X and Theory Y are two sets of management that were discovered and defined by theorist Douglas McGregor. According to theory X, managers believe…….

Theory X and Theory Y of Management Styles


Theory X manager works alone and does not interact with the team thinking that would help him in asserting authority. This approach or ‘inaccessibility’ distances the manager creates fear and increases demotivation.


 Theory Y manager takes all decisions in collaboration with the staff and acts on their feedback and suggestions. This approach is motivating for staff.

Theory X and Theory Y are two sets of management that were discovered and defined by theorist Douglas McGregor. According to theory X, managers believe that their staff respond only to the carrot or stick method. Theory Y says that staff believe that their work is the source of satisfaction so they must do their best all the time. Mostly, managers do not fall in either of the X or Y categories but fall somewhere in between. Both these theories are not just for managers, but also organizations. Interestingly, Theory X managers are found in Theory Y organizations and vice-versa.

From the characteristics of both theories, find out which of these theories best describes you and your organization.

Theory X and Theory Y
Theory X Theory Y
My team will not work if I do not drive them At my team’s failure, I question my abilities first and find out what I did wrong.
I have to tongue-lash or fire an employee to ensure that others are working. I sometimes let others take the lead.
I see that most people are aimless and need forced foresight. People should appraise their bosses and be appraised by them.
Leaders must make all the decisions, subordinates should only obey orders. If I ask for an opinion or suggestions, I also follow that.
I stay away from the team to ensure they obey commands. Encouragement brings innovation and creativity.

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DR. Prashant K Mishra has been the Chief Operating Officer of Study World Global College Malta since April 2022. With PhD in marketing and double Master’s (MBA & MA in English), Dr. Prashant also did one year of PGC in HR & Marketing from IIT Bombay.

Dr. Mishra has occupied various managerial positions in Education Institutions in Dubai & India. He started his career in Marketing and moved on to higher leadership positions, thanks to his academic qualifications, work experience, and charismatic approach.

Dr. Prashant Mishra is the driver behind the college’s expansion from 150 students to 700+ students in less than two years. His relentless push is helping the Global College College to reshape the way it provides education and to create a truly international student experience.

DR. Prashant K Mishra has been the Chief Operating Officer of Study World Global College Malta since April 2022. With PhD in marketing and double Master’s (MBA & MA in English), Dr. Prashant also did one year of PGC in HR & Marketing from IIT Bombay.

Dr. Mishra has occupied various managerial positions in Education Institutions in Dubai & India. He started his career in Marketing and moved on to higher leadership positions, thanks to his academic qualifications, work experience, and charismatic approach.

Dr. Prashant Mishra is the driver behind the college’s expansion from 150 students to 700+ students in less than two years. His relentless push is helping the Global College College to reshape the way it provides education and to create a truly international student experience.

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